How The Medical Military Industrial Complex Is Editing the Genomes Of Viruses and Larger Biological Hosts to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction at a Fraction of the Cost of Hydrogen Bombs
This is part two in our Weaponized Medicine deep dive investigation. Part one which investigates Carbon Nanotubes as covert medicinal carriers is available here.1
According to the Biological, Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty promoted by President Nixon on November 25th, 1969 and signed into law on April 10th 1972 (two months before Watergate)2, the recent act of editing viruses and weaponizing biological hosts by the Medical Military Industrial Complex are both highly illegal. This article examines how weaponized viruses can be delivered through mosquito-borne syringes to wipe out entire armies or friendly populations – without danger to the hidden host who deploy them.
Medical Freedom Conference
On June 23rd, 2023, attorney Thomas Renz was called before a Pennsylvania State Senate select hearing to talk about medical freedom. Mr. Renz’s commentary extended 23 minutes and is vital on several fronts, but he had this to say about medical freedom in general and weaponized mosquitos in particular:
“...Your mRNA bill in food is a critical thing, but I want to alert you to the fact that it's not
just food. The, the title of this presentation by the good Professor h uh, is production of
a transgenic mosquito as a flying syringe to deliver protective vaccine via saliva. The Gates
Foundation's been funding all sorts of, uh, genetic, uh, engineering of mosquitoes.And there is a lot of talk about using mosquitoes and mosquito bite to help vaccinate certain populations. I don't have proof that that's, uh, viable yet, but I know they're working on it. Okay.
So I'm not suggesting that the mosquitoes that Bill Gates is working with to engineer down in Florida are injecting anyone with anything.
What I am suggesting is that I have absolutely indisputable evidence that they are working to make sure that they can inject you with something Okay. And distinguish between the two, because this is why we need to have your bill. We're gonna go to transparency and eventually I'm gonna get to why would you oppose it if it's not doing it?”
Thomas Renz, Esq.
Pennsylvania State Senate Hearing
Medical Freedom Summit
23 June 2023
Attorney Thomas Renz made these comments a few days ago while visiting the Pennsylvania State Senate. It just so happens that the Quaker and Amish communities, which honor neither the CDC guidelines nor recognize the WHO, as a consequence of their natural lifestyle and abhorrence of big pharma medicinal regimen, are the perfect breeding ground to test medicinal efficacy and, more acutely, medicinal toxicity as a scientifically relevant medical control group. We’ll return to this topic in part IV of our series on Weaponized Medicine.
Ukraine Connections
Concurrently to this Pennsylvania Senate hearing, the Russian Military announced their documentary discovery of Biological Weapons developments and investments happening now in Ukraine. The documents the Russian Military recovered date back to early 2013, and point directly to the Nunn-Lugar-Obama US Senate program ostensibly to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction emanating out of the former Soviet Union’s Ukraine3. The Russian briefing appears to document the construction of biological weapons in general, and weaponized mosquitoes4 in particular, including medical experiments featuring mosquitoes, weaponized versions of Ebola, Malaria, West Nile Virus and a host of other deadly pathogens that kill nearly 100% of all so infected. Speaking before the world’s press on Jun 19th 2023, is Russia’s Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops General Lieutenant Igor Kirillov5 on the U.S. military and biological activity.
“The flooding of the Kherson (Ukraine) region planned by the Kyiv regime can complicate the situation, including with regard to arbovirus infections. After a drop in the water level (subsequent to the recent Azov Battalion attack on a Ukrainian Dam), it is possible to form foci of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, primarily, West Nile fever.
“The high technical level of US preparedness for the use of infected vectors is evidenced by a patent for a drone designed to spread infected mosquitoes in the air. In accordance with the description, the drone must deliver a container with insects to a given area and release them.
“When bitten, mosquitoes can infect military personnel with a dangerous infection, such as malaria. The description of the patent emphasizes that the infected soldier is not able to perform combat missions assigned to him.”
Igor Kirillov
Lt. General, Russian Army
Chief of Staff, Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops
19 June 2023
The complete Russian military briefing and captured medical/military slides were immediately posted to back up what Lt. General Kirillov said6. The website was subsequently taken down by US Military within 15 minutes. Lt. General Kirillov’s briefing went on for 40 minutes and included the following key points:
⚡️ Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on US military-biological activity regarding US Walter Reed Army Institute of Research branches:
The Institute has four branches all over the world, every one of them has a high-containment laboratory and a network of departments, which gather samples and transport strains.
Documents acquired during the special military operation prove the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research connection to the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and its key contractor – the Metabiota company.
On Kharkov-based Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine involvement in American UP-8 and P-444 programs.
This involved studying the migration routes of migratory birds and selecting and transmitting strains of avian influenza virus with high epidemic potential and capable of crossing the interspecies barrier abroad.
The consequences of such programs for epizootic in the territory of the Russian Federation are yet to be evaluated.
In the result of infected birds migration from Ukraine to Russia, avian influenza morbidity rate has increased significantly.
On incidents at American high-containment laboratories:
The unacceptably high risk of accidents in U.S. biolaboratories is one of the reasons for their withdrawal from national jurisdiction and transfer to the territory of third countries, including Ukraine.
This explains the deterioration of the epidemic situation in their locations, the emergence of diseases that are not typical of these regions and their vectors.
Furthermore, Ukrainian Military documents captured by Russia, establish the linkage between Black & Veatch, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA’s) prime contractor and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota, note David Mustra, R&D Manager at Metabiota).
The connection between DTRA Prime Contractor, Black & Veatch and In-Country (Ukraine) sub-contractor, Metabiota is also well documented. Note, if these relationships and job functions were ‘above board’, why have they since been erased from Linked-In and the rest of the internet7?
According to the Russian Military, the United States, with the support of its allies, are conducting large-scale military-biological research aimed at finding effective methods of creating and distributing infectious disease agents in a militarily relevant context8.
Here is what United States’ Patent No. 8,967,029 B1 claims are the ‘advantageous effects’ of the invention.
“With the toxic mosquito aerial release system, large masses of people can be immunized or enemy troops can now be wiped out or rendered useless without having to risk or endanger our own troops.
Toxic mosquito aerial release systems are extremely low cost and can easily accomplish what a billion dollars in medical interventions and airstrikes cannot do. The mosquitoes in the toxic mosquito aerial release system can be contaminated with the various types of genetically altered bacteria to activate the immune system or contaminated with toxic sickness agents.
Depending on the objectives for military purposes, the mosquitoes may be used to deliver an agent such as malaria to create sickness, or they could use much more toxic or highly contagious agents and viruses. A highly contagious virus could wipe out 100% of enemy troops because the ones that don't get bitten will be contaminated by their fellow soldiers.
The toxic mosquito area release system is a new and needed technology. It is a way to administrative curative or immunological injection to administer calmative agents. Or to administer deadly disease to wipe out or dispose and disable the enemy at minimal cost. For Houston conflict, there is no longer a need to spend countless billions of dollars and to destroy entire areas with bombing and no wound or sacrifice of our bravest and finest soldiers.
When it comes down to the hell of war or the malicious, beautiful technology of a mosquito, the choice will be easy to make”.
U.S. Patent No. 8,967,029 B1
”Toxic Mosquito Aerial Release Systems [TMARS]”
20 June, 2014
What Russia has failed to mention is that these same facilities were employed by the former Soviet Union as the development arm of their own domestic biological weapons9 program which continued until the Soviet Union’s dissolution in 199310. At the time of the Soviet dissolution, the U.S.S.R. was a signatory to the Biological Weapons treaty ban which was signed into law by the U.S.S.R. on 10 April, 197211.
Russia is now advocating this collection of evidence as another argument in favor of an international investigation of U.S. military and biological activities.
I think we have to keep an open mind to the evidence Lt. General Kirillov offers here. Russia is at war with the United States, and the truth is often the first casualty in any conflict. But, it would be highly disingenuous to suppose that Anthony Fauci, Anthony Blinken or even Joe Biden have been telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth during the entirety of the global COVID-19 crisis. The Russian documents and physical evidence tend to speak louder than words of those financially profiting from the medical police state tactics we’ve all witnessed. The missing Russian facts (for example, that Soviet era biological weapons development occurred in the Ukraine region and that the Soviets apparently broke the BWC limitations) will have to be further investigated to provide context, prosecution and closure in this threatened end-of-the-world combat zone.
It’s also important to recall that just eight hours prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, February 24th 2022, CIA controlled Zelensky directed all medical bioweapons labs in Ukraine destroy their documents, specimens and experimental data12.
Here, NBC’s Today Show declares that Russian missile strikes were raining down on the region and responsible for massive destruction and widespread fires. In this video broadcast on NBC’s Today Show, we can see Ukrainian Military Staff burning documents and specimens in broad daylight (hat tip, BioClandestine!)13.
Yet, despite these false claims of Russian attacks destroying innocent Ukrainian buildings, the truth was that Ukrainian President Zelensky himself ordered the destruction of documents which could implicate his financial and military equipment sugar-daddy.
Here is the English translation of this same document:
It’s also important to recall that when these actions were questioned, the mainstream media defended US DOD’s and the Biden Administration’s public comments that there were no US biological labs in Ukraine, and that to suggest this was to invite the dreaded ‘conspiracy theorist’ label and online cancel culture.
Since then, we’ve learned that Hunter Biden’s Metabiota was the principal subcontractor to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s prime contractor Black & Veach, under contract number HDTRA108D0007000429 for $80M USD. This contract was subsequently reauthorized for additional funding, and supplemented with related contracts for field experiments in the African Congo region (see contract image).
The connections between Black & Veatch and Metabiota thus firmly established, it helps to further explain Metabiota’s hiring of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Agent, Joseph Cofer Black.
Joseph Cofer Black was Romney’s national security advisor during Romney’s abortive 2008 Presidential Campaign. Black served as (head) director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center from 1999 to 2002 and as U.S. ambassador-at-large for counterterrorism from 2002 to 200414. Since then, he’s worked in the private sector, including a stint as vice chairman of Blackwater, a private company with a dubious ethics track record. Joseph Cofer Black also currently sits on the board of Burisma holdings.
Mr. Black held the position of Task Force Chair in the Near East and South Asia Division in 1995, the Deputy Chief of the Latin America Division from 1998 to 1999 and in 2002 was sworn in as the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism with the rank of Ambassador at Large. Prior to joining the State Department, Cofer Black was Director of the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center and responsible for all counter-terrorist operations and analysis, fostering international relationships, and coordinating U.S. Government efforts to modify counterterrorism cooperation with foreign security services. During his C.I.A. career, Black served six foreign tours in field management positions focusing on counterterrorism, as well as addressing regional security issues, counterintelligence and covert action. Cofer Black also conceived, planned and led the CIA’s war in Afghanistan.
Mr. Black joined the CIA in 1974, and was the head of their counter-terrorism center during the 9/11 terror attacks. John Brennan was the CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia when the US Department of State staff based in the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia approved the sketchy visas for the 9/11 attackers. The State Department staff stationed around the world and housed inside US Embassies work in conjunction with local CIA Station Chiefs, and generally follow their recommendations. This was the case in the present instance. John Brennan followed Mr. Black as the head of CIA’s counter-terrorism center.
We covered Mr. Black’s extensive intelligence connections and connections to global terrorism in our Episode 528, “Meet Joe Black”15. This was part of our Army of Light series of shows16. Furthermore, an EcoHealth Alliance whistleblower has stepped forward and suggested that Peter Daszak has been working for the CIA (hat tip, KanekoaTheGreat!)17.
On April 25th, 2014, Bill Gates coincidentally released the following video. Which he called Mosquito Week 201418. Bill Gates’ episode name was a marketing hat-tip pointing to the then-media-dominant Shark Week television show.
Bill Gates released this video on April 25th, 2014. Keep in mind that in November, 2013, Ukrainian government pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych, decided not to sign a planned association agreement with the European Union, and demonstrations ensued in the capital Kiev. The Euromaidan demonstrations turned violent in early 2014 and in February of that year some European foreign ministers mediated the compromise involving a unity government and early elections.
George Soros front companies were involved in this quasi-military operation. It has been suggested that the snipers who killed most of the Ukrainian protesters were either direct CIA assets, or were trained by them.19 After the collapse of power sharing agreement, on 22nd of February, 2014, president Yanukovych suddenly disappeared from Ukraine, and the new government was installed by the Ukrainian Parliament. Later that month, unidentified military figures widely thought in the West to be Russian personnel.
This was later confirmed surrounded airports around Crimea, a majority Russian population peninsula in the Ukrainian South, and the Crimea autonomous assembly was taken over by pro-Russian forces. In March of 2014, a declaration of independence was issued by this assembly, and a subsequent referendum on union with Russia was then held.
Oliver Stone's, Ukraine on Fire revealed the corrupt US State Department and John McCain being instrumental and directly involved, perhaps even orchestrating the Ukrainian coup, which financially benefited they and those in the Democrat and Republican party20.
These actions installed a globalist friendly government, which was solidified with the March, 2014 signatures on the Declaration of Crimean independence. Ukrainians vast gas fields were thus annexed and contracts to develop. Those fields were handed over to companies that allegedly included the children of key US policymakers and politicians, namely Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's son; Christopher Hines, John Kerry's Stepson; Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son; and Tag Romney, Mitt Romney's son amongst their board members, or involved with those companies’ capitalization and investment. These relationships span from the direct to the indirect investment only, but each one appears to profit from the captured relationships. We will return to this topic in our segment on Follow the Money.
Returning then to Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov’s meeting, some of the documents he provided date back to early 2014 before the Ukrainian coup was over and tie together Hunter Biden's Metabiota and weaponized Ebola Zika, West Nile Virus and Malaria product developments happening in Ukraine. Further, Lt. General Kirillov firmly established the link between Hunter Biden's, Metabiota and Ukrainian bio weapons development through UP-2, UP-4 and UP-8 projects - or, in laymen’s terms, “(UP-2) Mapping of Highly Infectious Diseases in Ukraine; (UP-4) Risk Assessments of Particularly Dangerous Pathogens Transmitted by Birds In Ukraine During Migration,” and “(UP-8) Spread of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Hantaviruses [Ebola] in Ukraine and the Potential Need For Differential Diagnosis of Patients with Suspected Leptospirosis”.
Subsequently LinkedIn resumes of those who participated, for example, David Mustra, appear to confirm the Russian military findings. Publicly available links and CV’s of David Mustra and others involved with Metabiota and Burisma mentioned in the Russian reports and captured documents have since been erased from the internet.
Another of the key documents also discovered in Ukrainian Kherson areas recently captured by Russians include a US patent for mosquito carrying drones. The link to the patent can be found here, but the key area that alarmed Russian general staff was the advantageous effects mentioned in the invention section.
The Russians also found in the Ukrainian data hoard, a photo of a mosquito release canister, outfitted on a drone. At the conclusion of Lt. General Igor Kirillov’s presentation, he noted a recent, massive spike in bird borne and mosquito borne illnesses with incidents of serious injury and death well beyond any historical precedent. This currently unsubstantiated claim requires further study.
What have we learned through all this is that the partners in investment, medicine, biological weapons research, military and political interests seem to have fused in Ukraine. We’ve learned that US Intelligence assets, in particular known CIA assets with a long history of sponsoring Color Revolutions which overthrow governments now appear to be involved in all of the above and continuing developmental and deployment roles that was thought to have been eliminated in the Nixon era (BWC Treaty bans). We’ve also learned that the United States appears to have sided with Ukrainian Neo-Fascists (Azov Battalion, et al), and been fighting with nuclear armed Russia directly on and across the Russian border. Further, that the biological weapons they appear to have been investigating in Ukraine are even more dangerous than hydrogen bombs, as one weaponized virus (for example, Hemorrhagic Crimean-Congo Fever, or a weaponized form of Ebola) could wipe out all of mankind.
Former US Army Colonel and current Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano discussed this further with attorney Thomas Renz. Mr. Renz’ comments are sobering as it appears that the COVID-19 pandemic may have instead been a massive human experimentation on a global scale that would have made Nazi Germany’s Joseph Mengele blush.
Perhaps it is time for Nuremberg 2.0 - but, without the Operation Paperclip and Communist Chinese characteristics?
Our next installment will follow the Bio Weapons Money Trail through Ukraine to Communist China and consider the current developmental state of these weapons. We'll also document the division of labor and sourcing of key ingredients in personnel and seek to explain why it was that US medical professionals, such as Doctors Anthony Fauci and Ralph Barrick of EcoHealth Alliance sought to arm communist China with the most deadly weapons ever conceived by the minds of men.
GoodDog, “THE EAGLE AND THE DRAGON”, War of the World Series, Episode 111, 05 January 2020,
NUNN-LUGAR BIOLOGICAL AGREEMENT SIGNED IN UKRAINE, Senators Sam Nunn, Dick Lugar (R-IN), Barack Obama (D-IL), August, 2005; (Archived version)
New York Post; Keane, Isabel, “Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops,” 19 June 2023,
Russian Military; Kirillov, Igor, Lt. General, Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops; “Russian Defence Ministry briefing on US military and biological activity”, 19 June 2023,
See also, Military Presentation, Captured Documents & Analysis,
Russian Military, Kirillov, Igor, “Russian Defence Ministry briefing on US military and biological activity”, Ibid.
Russian Miliary, Kirillov, Igor, “US Engagement with Ukraine’s Biological Facilities”, 31 March 2023,
UNITED STATES PATENT, Patent No. 8,967,029 B1, “Toxic Mosquito Aerial Release System [TMARS],” Filed 20 November 2014, Awarded 03 March 2015,
“The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History;” Leitenberg, Milton (Author); Zilinskas, Raymond A. (Author); Kuhn, Jens H.'; 20 July 2022; pp. 343-396, 523; ISBN (13) 978-0674047709, Harvard University Press.
Davenport, Kelsey, March 2022, “Biological Weapons Convention Signatories and States-Parties”,
Gateway Pundit, Hoft, Joe, 31 January 2023, “Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree to Destroy ALL INFORMATION on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on Same Day as Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters,”
Bioclandestine, 14 June 2022, Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with Metabiota on 24 February 2022,
Black, Joseph Cofer, United Talent Agency, 12 August 2019,
GoodDog, “Meet Joe Black,” 25 February 2022,
GoodDog, “Army of Light” show series, 27 August 2020 to Present,
KanekoaTheGreat, “Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency? An EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower Steps Forward;"
GatesNotes, The Blog of Bill Gates; 25 April 2014, “The Deadliest Animal In The World,”
Daily; May, Lizzie, 17 March 2022, “CIA veterans trained Ukrainian snipers during secret trips to the country after Russia invaded the Crimea peninsula in 2014, it is claimed,”
Stone, Oliver; Another Way Productions, “Ukraine On Fire”, June 2016 (Toarmina Film Fest),
Reminds me of the indepth writing of Katherine Watts of Baliwick News. Well sourced and in chronological form.
It is hard to know truthful content these days. After seven years, yes, it has been this long, it is good to see your work in Substack. Congratulations.
Excellent, wish it was printable. Sharing