Are we dealing with a medical Trojan horse that could potentially kill billions worldwide and wipe out the United States of America?
Since December 1966, the medical-military industrial complex has rushed headlong into making known environmental toxins and carcinogens - carbon nanotubes - into a vehicle to deliver drugs that can be released immediately covertly12. Employing covert drug delivery systems could be made into a terrible weapon. From individual targeting to annihilations on a national scale, weaponized medicine can silence political dissent and destroy constitutional republics. What if our medical industry, recently nationalized by Barack Obama, has already been weaponized against the American people using carbon nanotube technology? What if the manufactured COVID crisis was hijacked as a social-political-financial heist? Would we even know?
We all have experience with carbon nanotubes; campfires naturally emit carbon nanotubes, which we know as ‘smoke’, or soot. This soot is made up of trillions of carbon nanotubes of all shapes and sizes. Prolonged human exposure to carbon nanotubes can cause cancer and other diseases. But medical sciences harnessed this toxic material and wrapped it in a synthetic fat hydrogel which allows it to transit human defenses and even enter the nuclei of human cells.3
The only missing ingredients to weaponize this technology and release an actual pandemic is the will to load pathogenic materials into the carbon nanotube carriers and an external stimulation (like 5G radiation).4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This article considers what would happen if carbon nanotubes were weaponized and whether they could unleash a zombie apocalypse, as shown in various films.
Research indicates that this technology may already have been distributed through forced vaccinations. Carbon nanotubes are tiny tubes made of carbon atoms. These tubes are automatically created when carbon is released during the incineration process of organic compounds in the presence of oxygen and can be precisely manufactured to varying lengths and widths using modern manufacturing techniques.
Carbon nanotubes can be injected to help carry drugs or mRNA technology and slowly release those substances over time or to time the release of drugs in a single, larger dose. In larger populations, based on an external excitation or trigger, carbon nanotubes are so tiny that they can travel and move into different parts of the human body. Plus, special chemicals can be added to carbon nanotubes to control when and how much the drugs are released.
External triggers such as these help ensure the right amount of drugs or mRNA technology is released at a desired time to create a desired effect. External stimuli, acting like special switches, cause carbon nanotubes to do something. For example, when the switches flipped, the carbon nanotubes might release their drug payloads through the absorption of external energy, thus forcing the drug payloads to expand and release within the injected human host.
To ‘flip’ these switches, nanotubes can be excited by either radio waves, light, or even an induced change in acidity. So to flip a switch ‘on’, a directed beam of energy is received by the carbon nanotubes within the human body. This RF energy causes the nanotube to vibrate, and this vibration heats up the carbon nanotube and the substances it is carrying. The externally heated fluid expands and forces the internal drug-laced fluid to be expelled from its carbon nanotube carrier, thus releasing minute quantities of drugs or mRNA technologies inside a human host.13
The human body cannot process or excrete carbon nanotubes once injected because the carbon chemical bonds are more potent than any human acid can deconstruct them within the human body. Thus, multiple carbon nanotube laced-booster injections accumulate nanotube carriers in the human body over time, ensuring the desired effect once energized with an external heat source, such as with RF energy.
Radiofrequency or RF energy waves occur in the electromagnetic spectrum, which covers many different frequencies depending on the type of external trigger. Radiofrequency waves within the frequencies of radio waves, microwaves, or even X-rays can be used.
Radio frequency wavelengths for the microwave spectrum vary between one millimeter and 30 centimeters. This year, 5g cellular phone technologies widely debuted in the United States across multiple carriers. 5g features higher data throughput and lower overall power by using a radical new technology called beam steering, which allows for focusing beams of energy for each and every phone, even as the customer is moving or driving through a cell zone. Standard frequencies used in 5g also happen to excite nanotubes range from 2.4 to 5.8 gigahertz or 5g frequency range. The higher frequencies are more effective for releasing drugs or mRNA payloads.
The time required to excite nanotubes and release their payloads typically ranges from a few milliseconds to several minutes per RF beam depending on size of ‘dose’ objectives. 5g systems can stack multiple beams of energy at the same time to significantly reduce these periods of irradiation. Typical 5g cell towers allow as many as eight 5g beams per antenna and each tower has half a dozen to several dozen antenna per tower. Furthermore, multiple towers can simultaneously irradiate a target if protection software is bypassed. For example, the most efficient frequency of RF energy for excitation of a 16nm carbon nanotube is between 5.6 and 6.2 GHz.14
Carbon nanotubes of 16nm length have been observed recently. At this frequency range, the nanotube length is the most sensitive and will be able to absorb energy more quickly than shorter nanotubes. The optimal width for energy absorption at this frequency would be between 1 and 1.2 nanometers.
Mass drug excitation or delivery is possible once enough carbon nanotubes have accumulated within a human host and once enough radiated power or sufficient directed energy waves have been absorbed by the nanotube carriers. Ground based civilian and military cell phone transmitters are not the only transmitter capable of heating injected carbon nanotube carriers. Orbiting satellite constellations such as SpaceX Starlink systems which operate in the 5g frequency range, can also excite such carbon nanotube carriers, though their radiated power capacity make this unlikely at this time.15 SpaceX’s Starlink has announced plans to deploy larger satellites with significantly more channels and roughly a 10x power amplification per channel. Larger satellite constellations measuring the in tens of thousands, larger solar panels, more powerful transmitters could quickly change this current deficiency.
The optimal RF system will depend on the application with the number of targets to be heated and the desired duration of heating being the principal drivers for a functioning system. For example, if the goal is to release drugs targeted mRNA over a wide area, then a broadcast-type system spread evenly over a wide area would be more suitable. Still, the power levels for such wide area irradiation would be prohibitive unless delivered via a military-grade transmitter, where less care for personal health and safety is employed.
On the other hand, if the goal is to release drugs over smaller, more confined areas or against individually targeted humans, then systems with beam steering capability would be ideal, such as 5g. This is especially true as 5g beams can be stacked onto a target with no visible cuing for the victim. In addition, individuals within crowds could be uniquely targeted if they carried uniquely identifying transmitters (like Apple’s AirTags) or compromised cell phones (for example, smart phones offered by either Google or Apple) were carried by unsuspecting victims.
There are currently massive surveillance systems, such as PRISM (Edward Snowden)16, which attest to such weaponized surveillance systems being used, and the Twitter Files recently proved Federal Agents17 from a variety of Departments18 and Agencies19 are availing themselves of these systems20 to target and cancel21 political opponents.22
Depending on the toxin concealed by the in-vivo carbon nanotube carriers, the impact of such an attack would be like an invisible smart bomb (‘in-vivo’ is Latin and means ‘in the living’). Hence the technology name of the powerful cell phones carried in their pockets. Their humor is nothing, if not wicked.
The Marburg virus, the causative agent responsible for the Zombie Apocalypse scenario envisioned in movies, television and media, is an exceedingly small virus, as viruses go. Measuring just 32 nanometers across (or, 32 daltons), the Marburg virus is too small to be retained inside a Molecular Geometry Monitored Release (MGMR) carbon nanotube on it’s own. However, this limitation was overcome through encapsulating the virus molecules in a pegolated lipid nanoparticle. This carrier allows it to easily remain in the MGMR for extended periods of time. Recently, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) sponsored a testing of Marburg gain of function research in the African Congo, through a contract issued to the Ukrainian Health department called, Kyiv Institute of Medical Radiology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine23 24.
Have you ever wondered how medical professionals can trigger specific reactions inside our bodies from far away? Well, one way to do this is with carbon nanotubes. These nanotubes are thin tubes made of carbon that medical professionals can inject into our bodies. Then, a tuned RF signal sends out frequencies matching the nanotubes' length and width.
For example, a smart triggering system can send specific signals for each target (human) if the medical professional wants to excite just one person. Alternatively, one transmitter can send out different frequency signals that only particular sizes of nanotubes can detect. That means that when an RF frequency goes through a certain area, only the nanotubes with the right size will be activated, causing their hidden payloads to be released.
The length of the nanotube also plays a role in determining which frequency will make it react to become an efficient heater. Generally, nanotubes that are longer more efficiently react to higher frequencies. For instance, for a 5.8 gigahertz signal, nanotubes slightly longer than the rest work best. The width is also important. Wider nanotubes pick up higher frequencies better than narrower ones. For best results, nanotubes should be between 2 and 10 nanometers long and 0.5 and 1.2 nanometers wide.
It is clear from well established literature, that the capacity to embed biological materials, drugs and mRNA reprogramming viruses is well within the technical grasp of modern day science. But, is there evidence that such technologies have been deployed in human subjects (in-vivo)? This is where we run into some headwind. Since January 2020, there has been a concerted effort to silence all public discourse on this topic. Yet, evidence to support this claim has begun to surface. For example, in the months after the public release of the COVID-19 vaccines (the four mentioned previously), Pfizer filed a patent to communicate with in-vivo embedded nano-particles.25
This in-vivo communications patent employs high frequency cell phone radiation to activate, interrogate and communicate with nanoscale electronics devices using 5g cellular phone tower transceivers. 5g was selected because the incidence of radiation can be locally high, while leaving the surrounding areas not irradiated.
The patent (US11107588B2) was originally filed on 30 November, 2020, and features key pre-existing patent citations (notably, remote interrogation based on Metadata histograms) going back to January 2010. This means that they can irradiate with precision based on historical movement captured in cell phone metadata and known behavior patterns, thus maximizing probability of positive target identity, prior to in-vivo excitation. The original patent filer has surrendered control of this patent to Pfizer corporation as of this writing.
The COVID Pandemic taught us a lot. First, those with financial interest declared that COVID was a crisis and then a global pandemic. They failed to mention that they secretly stood to gain financially and politically when they made their public declarations. Second, independent scrutiny and reporting which documented the falsehood of the wet-market narrative which misdirected from the COVID virus having been born in a lab and the secret inclusion of AIDS inserts (specifically fir and cleavage bonding sites, which made the virus more transmissible) were also falsely censored. These censorship campaigns were practiced far and wide instantaneously through the Tech Giants, who operated in lockstep to justify their global takeover schemes. These censorship campaigns spread like a cancer, impacting public health, and deprived US citizens of their constitutional rights and benefited those who profited from the mayhem their false narratives generated.
Third, these same financial benefactors weaponized the government to silence all COVID dissent though even their best AI-driven internet scrubbers couldn’t erase the legal patent and financial breadcrumb trail two decades long, which proved it was anything but a naturally occurring pandemic. Fourth legislative and Obama healthcare enablers that took the better part of a decade to prepare the information warfare battle field. Their coup de gras preparation was to enable, at the last minute and as a lame duck administrator, President Obama signed Executive Order 1375726, “Promoting Secure Communications and Cybersecurity Within the Federal Government and Enhancing Access to Secure Communications for Internal and External Purposes”, which would be employed to unconstitutionally deprive American citizens their rights to free speech under the banner of combating ‘mis- and mal-information’ (terms which mean the comments may prove true, but, the social order is somehow harmed by their transmission). Legal tests to this Enabling Act order have yet to be heard in a fair court in this country.
Remember, 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor', ‘if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,’27 and Obamacare 'will lower the cost of medical access for all' resounding in the halls of government? Nancy Pelosi infamously declared, 'We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy'28, thus tipping their hand as to their ultimate medicinal, political and financial agenda. These are and were obvious falsehoods. Yet, these falsehoods were not seriously challenged in the press, so why did Democrats & RINO’s risk the exposure of such blatant lies?
Unfortunately, the Obamacare legislation was indeed deemed too important to read before voting on its enactment, and 2,700 pages of legislation were passed in a single day, with insufficient time for any to read it. Obamacare or ACA passed the House in November 2009, the Senate on December 24th 2009 and differences agreed by the House on March 21, 2010. Obama signed the measure AHCA on March 23, 2010.29 With Obama’s signature, socialized medicine became the law of the land and the stage was set to deprive Americans their civil and constitutional rights under the color of ‘medical necessity’, while they deployed tyranny hiding under the medical lab coat and official authority which could not be questioned by the American people. Had this measure not passed, the lockdowns which destroyed the American Middle Class and the vast wealth transfer to Globalist mega-corporations would never have happened. What is worse, the precedents of forced military vaccination and sweeping deprivations of civil rights would never have occurred.
It is one thing to develop a technology that can be bent to serve an evil purpose, it is quite another to deploy it. Is there evidence to suppose there a hidden, expressed ‘will’ or intention to deploy it? Further, is there evidence to suppose this may have been actually deployed, and what would that look like?
Creating internment camps (Smart Cities) is part of the World Economic Forum’s published agenda, which they euphemistically call Agenda 2030.30 They chiseled their intention to genocide 95% of all humanity, or 7.5 billion people, into granite standing stones in Georgia. They have taken all the world's wealth and poisoned our food, air, and water. So is it too much to suppose they might take advantage of their trillion-dollar genocidal investments in biological weapons, predictive programming placement over decades, and hiding evidence of their Ukrainian bioweapons labs (now admitted to), even while the US military and political class provided false exculpatory cover stories to cover up their crimes?31 Because if Noah Harari was declared a false ‘conspiracy theorist’, instead of being hailed by Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab, Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk as a conspiracy realist, I somehow missed the memo?
From a criminal perspective, what can we say of those who not only used the impenetrable shield of private companies and stitched together with the unquestionable authority of the State (Fauci dictates), the Frankenstein's monster of public/private partnerships appears to have been created. Evidence of COVID-19 deployment pre-existent to the actual crisis, is manifold and convincing. But to determine if there was criminal intent, we’d have to document known false statements made by those in the public/private consortium which covered their tracks, while at the same time, silencing or covering up contrary views which proved to be truthful.
This criminal behavior is known as providing False Exculpatory Statements and confirming their existence is essential to determining criminal intent on the part of the accused. Establishing these facts will take a complete Substack post in it’s own right. So, stay tuned for part two.
From a political perspective, it is fairly straightforward to document their silencing political foes, election theft, and disappearing witnesses. These are merely circumstantial evidence, though may prove important.
What we do know, is that days into Biden's new regime, his administration secretly allowed the CCP-PLA front company Huawei to once again begin operating inside the United States, and to begin installing their 5g networks, addictive TikTok and utterly compromised telephony networks, switches and fiber-optic relays. One can't silently wipe out the recently vaccinated American public without first installing the cell tower heaters needed to release their spawn!
If we can establish criminal intent, coupled with physical evidence that Marburg has been loaded into MGMR carriers, then we can establish with certainty that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. What we can say with certainty, however, is that the technology to pull it off has been developed. What is more, they have silenced opposition, and pursued multi-decadal orchestrations, media manipulations, public pronouncements, ESG/CBDC machinations, slander, deprivations of constitutional rights, financial-social-political assaults, weaponized government, public-private partnerships, their purchased media mouthpieces empowering their manifold abuses and gaslighting misdirection must all be brought to account.
Our task is now to investigate this further, establish the facts as to what may or may not have been actually injected, learn more about Marburg as it has been tested in the field, and determine whether there is any presence of criminal intent on the part of the accused. I find it curious that those behind all this have yet to calm disquieted minds on this topic, as there’s yet another Zombie Apocalypse film about to be released32!
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I shared. Incredible news.
Well done Good Dog! Thank you.