Obama's Creation of the Censorship Industrial Complex
How a Controversial 2015 Surveillance Law Undermines the US Constitution, and Fundamentally Remade America Into a Leftist Totalitarian Police State
The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) has been a source of contention since Barack Obama’s administration introduced it in 2015. Proponents of the law argued that it was necessary to protect the United States from terrorist cyber threats, while opponents see it as an infringement on civil liberties and a clear violation of the US Constitution. The creation of CISA was the final administrative step in the creation of a self-destructive police state which sought to wipe the United States from the face of the Earth forever. This article examines the implications of this draconian law and considers how it has weaponized the unelected, fascist, left-of-center Administrative State against American society.
Barack Obama, St. Louis, MO, 31 OCT 2008, "Fundamentally Transforming America"1
The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) was signed into law in 2015 by the Obama administration and has been the subject of heated debate ever since. Prior to being first elected President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama declared his goal was to fundamentally remake America.
Proponents of the law argued that it was essential to protect the United States from terrorist cyber-attacks, while opponents argued it was an infringement on civil liberties and a violation of the US Constitution. Both were wrong, but for different reasons (see, Conclusion). CISA allows2 for the sharing of sensitive information between government and private entities, which include personally identifying information. It also grants legal immunity to companies that share cyber-security data with the government, meaning that they cannot be held liable for any potential privacy violations.
On September 30th 2011, President Obama authorized a U.S. drone strike in Yemen which killed Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen and a prominent al-Qaeda leader. Al-Awlaki's 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, was also killed in the same drone strike, which occurred in the village of al-Jawf in northern Yemen. The precedent for murdering innocent Americans as an acceptable ‘cost’ to the War on Terror thus being established, the creation of the domestic police force which accepts a certain level of collateral damage now became defacto-policy.
It is as if the President of the United States had been bequeathed by Congress the simultaneous roles of Judge, Jury and Executioner under US Law, and, the legal authority to unilaterally pass sentence on the accused perpetrator and bystanders at the time. What wasn’t as clear, was that other Constitutional Rights of U.S. citizens were also presumed null-and-void just so long as an opposition political party deemed them a ‘terrorist threat’ to the republic.
So, when the legal bases (see also, End Notes) and public policy for CISA were being crafted in early 2013 and it’s legislative advertising campaign began in earnest in late May 2013 (in conjunction with the Snowden leaks of that time) as part of an ongoing ‘war on terror’ example; Anwar al-Awlaki, was used to justify this Nazi-esque public policy3. Obama jokingly sold CISA as an ‘intelligence tool’ to protect the American people from ‘bad guys’ or ‘terrorists’; a fascist slogan that stuck with the mockingbird press all chirping their public/private agreement. The policy would soon be vastly expanded and deployed against American citizens here at home with weapons far more effective and deadly than Hellfire missiles. And to make sure there was no public doubt, these American citizens were labeled thus labeled ‘domestic terrorists,’ and ‘domestic violent extremists’.
With no American standing in defense of the dead al-Qaeda leader’s rights back in 2011, the CISA ‘protective measure’ was swept into law and even received wide public support for it’s creation and deployment. After all, who wants to have our kids blown to bits at school or planeloads of passengers exploded in our skies? As a matter of practice, any person caught up in CISA’s public/private dragnet is today declared a ‘terrorist’ and thus deserving of the hell-fire condemnation an indignant American intelligence community could deliver.
Of course, what corrupt media failed to describe was that select cohorts of the American People that were being designated as “terrorists,” were so-branded because they simply disagreed with Obama’s or globalists’ policies. Algorithms, supercomputers and public/private sharing of resources were shared by the like-minded Tech Giants - who never saw a MAGA hat they liked. And while they publicly denied it, of course - these were ‘intelligence operations’ to stop ‘terrorists’ don’t you know, the full weight and might of the World’s only Superpower were being brought to bear against all political opponents to Obama’s basement-directed regime - and in the silence of their canceled existence, no one could hear them scream.
The CISA law grants the government additional powers, including the ability to access citizens’ personal information without a warrant. The manifold abuses of power by the government and the potential for the law to be used to target political opponents is now widespread and well documented (thanks to the Twitter files, which broke the leftist stranglehold of information sharing. Additionally, many experts have raised concerns about the lack of oversight and accountability that CISA provides, and what limited oversight is provided, offered only perjured Congressional Testimony that the Uni-Party universally refused to prosecute.
The debate over CISA has been further complicated by the fact that the law does not include any of the safeguards that are legitimately associated with other surveillance laws. It does not require the government to get a warrant, for example, before accessing private information, nor does it have provisions for judicial review of the government’s actions - including, but not limited to, censoring, blacklisting, deboosting, demonetizing, deplatforming or destroying any who dare stand up to the leftist regime. Additionally, the law does not provide any meaningful way to hold the government accountable for its actions.
Furthermore, CISA does not provide any meaningful way for citizens to challenge the government’s use of their data. This means that citizens have no real way to protect themselves from potential abuses of power or violations of their privacy rights. This includes the government’s now proved ability to frame political opponents by poking in data onto their computer systems if they are a political foe (such as President Trump), or, disappearing data if they are a political ally (such as Hunter Biden). This lack of oversight and accountability, infinite and unjust power, selective enforcement and lawless assaults on the innocent have raised serious questions about the constitutionality of CISA and its potential implications for civil liberties and privacy rights.
When all is said and done, reparations and punitive financial, social and judicial actions are going to be required to unmake The Police State created by a politician who sold himself to the American people as the cure to racism and discontent.
Here are several examples of the censorship of certain political viewpoints, as well as instances of the abuse of power. First, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are speech control abusers who have denied service attacks on free speech and made victims of innocent individuals like KanekoaTheGreat, Project Veritas, BlazeTV, Donald J. Trump and QBits, who experienced financial, emotional, and spiritual trauma as a result. Additionally, the Leftist Atlantic Council was caught creating censorship algorithms which weaponized the US government against half of its citizens - and using the internet to transmit and share these algorithmic denials of Constitutional Rights.
Furthermore, a study of the top influencers on the “Right” side of politics reveals that all of the top 20 accounts were of a different viewpoint than those engaged in the censorship. None of those censored shared the political viewpoints expressed and documented by all of those involved in the censorship cabal. This demonstrates a clear pattern of thought police in action which has led to untold damage across the American heartland. Even the duly elected President of the United States, who presided over the lives and well-being of 330 million Americans at the time, was silenced, presenting a clear and present danger to the republic and the potential for political revolution and foreign invasion, if left unchecked.
President Trump was also responsible for a number of positive impacts on the country, such as turning the US economy around in months, becoming the only president in the last 50 years to not engage in a new major conflict around the globe, improving the lives of US prisoners who were trying to re-enter society after their prison sentences were served, making the US energy independent for the first time in 50 years, and significantly improving the lives of women and minorities across the country.
Incredibly, accounts belonging to Human Organ Harvesters and Mass Murdering tyrants, such as China’s President Xi and Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, remain intact. President Xi is personally responsible for the disappearance and organ harvesting of millions of humans, and Iran’s Ayatollah is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror.
Furthermore, KanekoaTheGreat recently wrote a piece on this topic which demonstrates how the unchecked power granted to the government by CISA has led to a number of other troubling implications. It is clear that this law has created a powerful tool which can be used to suppress the voices of citizens, particularly those of those of minority political views. It is essential that all citizens understand the implications of this fascistic law and and how it has been abused, and that the government and privateers are held accountable for their actions.
Without meaningful safeguards in place, the government will continue to grow in power and reach and left unchecked, it will continue access to citizens’ private information, and even more Americans will experience a Leftist Authoritarianism where one is presumed guilty until proved innocent - except, the tools necessary to engage in such a defense will continue to be censored and denied the accused, just as is being done to American January 6th Prisoners of War being held in America’s first gulag in Washington DC.
CISA was the extra-constitutional legislation which provided the legal fig-leaf to excuse political persecution and strife of a weaponized Police State. CISA’s proponents used lawfare and false bait-and-switch tactics to secure it’s approval by the American people, even as they hid their secret intent to fundamentally destroy the United States, to replace it with a statist-theocratic autocracy. And civil libertarians failed to defend against this massive communist-over-reach because they could not imagine anyone so hateful nor who’s agenda was so vile - that it would seek to pervert and sodomize our young in service to a fascist police state. Through lies of commission and omission, the radical left were able to deploy their grand overthrow scheme. It is time to rescind this unholy legislative blasphemy and bring it’s authors and prevaricating destroyers to justice.
The law firm WilmerHale began drafting the language for the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) in early 2013. According to an article published by WilmerHale in July 2015, the firm was the first to draft the language for what would become the CISA legislation. The article was once available here: https://www.wilmerhale.com/en/insights/publications/2015/07/cybersecurity-information-sharing-act-2015. This document has been subsequently removed from the internet and all “Wayback Machine” references. However, it read,
“The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (CISA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 18, 2015. WilmerHale was the first to draft the language that eventually became CISA in 2013, and the firm has continued to advise on the measure’s development through its passage.The Act encourages sharing of cyber threat information among federal government agencies, between federal government agencies and private entities, and among private entities. CISA is seen as a key tool in the battle against cyber crime and other malicious activity.
The legislation is the result of a long process to develop a mutually beneficial sharing arrangement. This process began with the introduction of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) in 2011. CISPA sought to provide for the voluntary sharing of cyber threat information between government agencies and private entities.
In 2013, WilmerHale, in conjunction with the Center for Democracy & Technology, developed the first draft of the language that eventually became CISA. This draft proposed a framework for information sharing to be used by companies to protect their networks from attack.
The legislation has since been revised several times, and CISA is the result. The Act is seen as a major step forward in the fight against cyber crime, and will provide a framework for the voluntary sharing of cyber threat information between the government and private entities.”
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