Through Brave Acts of Faith, We Protect the Integrity of Our Culture and Morality

Those behind the many falsehoods and iniquities in our news, government, and media have championed this sixth month of June, as Pride Month. Proverbs 8:13 (NKJV) states, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate." However, all across the country, we see multiple churches flying their rainbow flag in compromise, celebrating the very sin that God hates - the very stronghold that opens up the door to many other sins. This unjust compromise dilutes the character of a community, if not an entire society, and allows evil to have a foothold. Evil characterizes itself in different forms—the strongholds of Leviathan, Jezebel, and death, to name a few — and they masquerade as legitimate members of society, preaching half-truths and living a life of luxury born from the failings of humanity.
Compromising increases enemy strongholds and leads to the shrinking and eventual breakdown of culture and morality, not to mention a spiritual sickness. This sickness manifests as a sense of lethargy and apathy in the air as the stronghold finds favor while those caught up in it find comfort in their depravity. Acceptance of these errors emboldens those who spread iniquity, which then spreads from person to person like an infection.
Those who spread spiritual sickness and perversity demand equality and acceptance from others not yet infected and raise the social temperature if they don't get their way. Yet, we do not hate the ill. We hate illness and shun contagion amongst our loved ones. Being forced to accept iniquity is not a substitute for wellness, for it welcomes decay and death just as surely as the plague.
Courage is the antidote to spiritual sickness, yet today, many Christians are caving into cowardice. Revelation 21:8 reminds us, 'But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.' During this critical time to save our nation and children's future - there is no place for cowardice. The clock is ticking. We must possess the strength of character to stand up for what is right in the face of adversity. We must lift our voices to condemn enemy strongholds that defile the body. Left untreated, these hot spots of ruin fester, and we must strive for righteousness, justice, and truth for all people of all backgrounds.
True courage is often associated with boldness, strength, and a determination to do what is right. It is the bravery of those who live for a cause far more significant than us or any individual gain. Through our brave acts of faith, we protect the integrity of our culture and it’s morality. We must remember too, that the namesake of our faith is Jesus Christ himself! Only then can we build a true and lasting society free from these strongholds and their toxic tolerance. No matter the cost or sacrifice, we must be vigilant in speaking the truth in real love, not a false love full of lies.
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