Child Trafficking Rings & The Intelligence Networks That Run Them
Part 2: Smoking Gun Revelations? Congressional Action! Complete Bibliography
Continuing from Part 1
This can only mean Ukraine and Chinese compromised foreign policy as we originally reported back in Time Machine Episodes 16 Treasured Islands; 18 Follow The Money; 22 Broken Bad; 38 Hireling Foreign Policy; and 41 Submarine Treachery which originally aired back in late April through early July 2019 which covered this conspiracy chain. Furthermore, this likely also implicates Barack Obama and his entire executive staff, but, in particular, Hillary Clinton in her then-capacity as Secretary of State. Those episodes comprise over 10 hours of recorded and investigative material that is just about to finally see the light of day. You might want to check them out.
Part 2 Begins
CBS News’ reporter Catherine Herridge picked up Rep. Greene tweet, and reported this update,
#FBI #Supboena @ChuckGrassley @RepJamesComer received “legally protected + highly credible” WB disclosures, believe DOJ and FBI “possess an unclassified FD-1023 (human source reporting) that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-VP Biden…” Timing: June 2020 before Presidential election and moths after FBI took possession of Hunter Biden Laptop (sic, December 2019).
The FBI and DOJ are expected to stonewall the Congressional subpoenas despite Congress’ Oversight mandate, and will, no doubt, point to ‘ongoing investigation’ to make the matter disappear from the headlines. But, reading Ms. Herridge’s handwritten margin notes written on the Congressional Subpoena, it says,
See also, close-ups - Image 1, Image 2
· Wray –
· FD-1023 circled – Confidential o FBI Human Source
· Also, Ms. Herridge circled the following text “it remains unclear what steps, if any” were taken by the FBI to investigate the matter.
· What follow on steps were taken / documents generated?
· On the second page, Ms. Herridge circled “All CD-1023 forms, including within any open, closed or restricted access case files.
· Ms. Herridge then wrote: Note timing before 2020 election, After FBI took possession of HB Laptop,” in December of 2019.
The FBI leaked like a sieve during President Trump’s harassment (and those on his election team and subsequent Cabinet members), many times directly from the FBI personnel directly leaking to the press. There was no ‘ongoing investigation’ stonewall then. There was no ‘presumption of innocence’ before or since for any conservative or those working on their behalf. In fact, the rules of law and of the House Intelligence Committee headed by Adam Schiff, even removed the rights of the accused to have counsel, or, to cross examine witnesses – and even looked the other way as attorney/client privilege was thrown to the Christopher Wray wolves.
Could it be that the FBI is also involved? Could it be that the CIA is up to their necks in all this – and that all of it points back to the human trafficking outsource and processing centers in Nazi occupied Ukraine and Communist China, which coincidentally (?) also had US DOD (under Obama) Bio Weapons labs in both these countries at the same time?
The QBits episodes mentioned above go into great detail and answer all of these questions and more. Furthermore, these episodes provide documentation and Sauce Packet links to defend each statement offered.
And when we factor in the price that was paid by the Chinese Communists in exchange for the South China Sea to Vice President Biden, even as the Democrat-run administrations of Obama and Biden turned the US’ political back on its Southeast Asian allies after Biden’s December 2013 Chinese meetings, what might the purchase price have been on the back end?
The next day, after Catherine Herridge’s tweet, a pseudonym account (ilDonaldoTrumpo) presumed to be connected to Former President Donald Trump, posted this video on Rumble. The video was taken on 19 October, 2020 (source) during a Presidential stop-over in Arizona - precisely the timeframe Catherine Herridge describes (after the FBI received Hunter’s Laptop evidence, after the FBI whistleblower posted their FD-1023, yet, before the 2020 election).
[click on image to see video]
‘Why do you to call Biden a criminal. Why is that?
President Trump
He is a criminal. He's a criminal. He got caught. Read his laptop and you know who's a criminal? You're a criminal for not reporting it. You are a criminal for not reporting it.
Let me tell you something, Joe Biden is a criminal and he's been a criminal for a long time, and you are a criminal in the media for not reporting it.
Good luck everybody. Have a good time.
Four hours later, John Solomon released a report on his podcast, Just The News - “FBI Confidential Human Source Provided Proof Biden Involved In Bribery Scandal”
[click on image to see video]
“I wanna just get one last thing, uh, and just touch on this Hunter Biden thing so people understand when you take through the little details of this kind of, uh, carefully worded letter from Senator Grassley and Congressman James Comer. It's a 10 23 form. A 10 23 form means that a confidential human source, an informant, someone that was registered in working with the FBI, provided information suggesting that Joe Biden himself if the letter's accurate and the allegation's accurate, was somehow involved in a pay-to-play bribery scheme. James Comer uses the word bribery in his quote today.
Uh, that is pretty amazing. Whether it's true or not, whether, whether we find out whether it's provable or not, the idea that the FBI had an informant that was making allegations against a sitting vice president or a man soon to be president is so remarkable.
That's what. Today's revelation is, so there again, the Biden family deserves the presumption of innocence, unlike, uh, the lesson or the bad lesson that Nancy Pelosi gave us, but a lot there.”
The FBI had one of their own step forward, willing to risk their job and pension, to document that the Biden Vice Presidency was actually part of a criminal syndicate. This FD-1023 was signed six months before the 2020 Election. The FBI did not show the same testimonial flexibility and offer any last second commentary to warn the American People, as Comey had done in the 2016 run-up. There were no breathless CNN reports scrolling 24/7 on Anderson Cooper’s show, nor even on Potatoes’ show. The FBI appears to have covered this up. There were no leaks.
About GoodDog
GoodDog is a faithful friend of man and God, who likes to dig up information, finding just the right prize that satisfies our master's call, to also answer when called - and to tirelessly pursue the enemies of man. And when these enemies are finally cornered with truth, hold them at bay until lawful justice can be employed.
1. Wall Street Journal, The Spy Diplomat Sent on Biden's Toughest Missions, Davison, S., 4/30/2021,
2. Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal, B.L., 5/1/2021,
3. Wall Street Journal, Market Data Quotes- GS, n.d.,
4. Wall Street Journal, Jeffrey Epstein Burrowed into the Lives of the Rich and Made a Fortune, A. V., 8/8/2019,
5. Wall Street Journal, Market Data Quotes- MSFT, n.d.,
6. Wall Street Journal, Epstein Flourished as He Forged Bond with Retail Billionaire, K. S., 8/7/2019,
7. Wall Street Journal, Market Data Quotes- JPM, n.d.,
8. Wall Street Journal, JPMorgan, Jeffrey Epstein, n.d.,
9. Wall Street Journal, Prince Andrew Settles Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed by Virginia Giuffre, O'Keeffe, E. and Condon, T., 5/20/2021,
10. Wall Street Journal, Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Indicted on Federal Sex Trafficking Charges, A. V., 7/8/2019,
11. Wall Street Journal, Biden to Tap William J. Burns as CIA Director, A. V., 3/2/2021,
12. Bloomberg, Jeffrey Epstein Had a Door Into Apollo, His Deep Ties With Black, L. L. and S. J., 7/30/2019,
13. Wall Street Journal, Market Data Quotes- SBUX, n.d.,
14. Wall Street Journal, Market Data Quotes- FDX, n.d.,
15. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fact-finding Report, n.d.,
16. Harvard University, Report Concerning Jeffrey E. Epstein’s Connections to Harvard University, n.d.,
17. Wall Street Journal, JPM Quote, N/A, N/A,
18. Wall Street Journal, Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Indicted on Federal Sex Trafficking Charges, Koski, A., July 8, 2019,
19. Wall Street Journal, JPMorgan Sues Former Executive Jes Staley Over Jeffrey Epstein Ties, Griffen, S., August 7, 2020,
20. Wall Street Journal, Jeffrey Epstein Accusers Sue Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase, Griffin, S., October 7, 2020,
21. Wall Street Journal, Emails Reveal Deep Ties Between Jeffrey Epstein and Former Barclays CEO Jes Staley, Griffin, S., October 22, 2020,
22. Wall Street Journal, Jeffrey Epstein Burrowed Into the Lives of the Rich and Made a Fortune, Krouse, S., July 12, 2019,
23. Market Watch, JPMorgan Buying Majority Stake in Highbridge, Galligan, P., April 3, 2017,
24. Wall Street Journal, JPMorgan Flagged Epstein’s Large Withdrawals Years Before His 2008 Conviction, Lawsuit Alleges, Griffin, S., August 7, 2020,
25. Wall Street Journal, Jeffrey Epstein’s Road Through Wall Street: A Bumpy One, Krouse, S., October 1, 2019,
26. Wall Street Journal, BCS Quote, N/A, N/A,
27. Wall Street Journal, Barclays CEO Jes Staley Steps Down Over Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, Griffin, S., July 7, 2020,
28. Wall Street Journal, APO Quote, N/A, N/A,
29. Wall Street Journal, Apollo CEO Leon Black to Step Down Following Review of Jeffrey Epstein Ties, Griffin, S., April 5, 2021,
30. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Army of Light Series, 07 October 2022, Episode 616, The FBI & DOJ Affair,
31. Charterhouse Publishing, New York, Space Relations: A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale, Spring 1973, Donald Barr,
32. US Department of Justice, U.S.-Virgin-Islands-v-JP-Morgan - Case 1 22-cv-10904-UA, 27 December 2022,
33. European Patent Office, Bill Gates et al, Patent EP1724359A1 is for methods and kits for detecting enzyme activity using bioluminescence, 24 May, 2006,
34. US Patent & Trademark Office, Gates, William et al, Patent US20070054342A1 is for a method and kit for inserting microchips into the body which rewards activity with cryptocurrency., 25 May 2007,
35. US Patent & Trademark Office, Gates, William et al, 16 March, 2006, Patent US060606 is for methods and kits for detecting luciferase reporter enzyme activity.,
36. The New York Times, Barr, Donald, 01 May, 1955, “Shadowy World of Men and Hobbits”,
37. Antheneum, New York, Barr, Donald, August 1971, “Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty”, LOC 71-139299,
38. United Artists Pictures, John McTiernan Director, "The Thomas Crown Affair", 27 July 1999, 1H53M,
39. The New York Times, "How Jeffrey Epstein Used the Billionaire Behind Victoria’s Secret for Wealth and Women", 25 July, 2019,
40. The Wall Street Journal, Safdar, K., Benoit, D., 30 April, 2023, "Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer",
41. The Guardian, Greenwald, G., 25 June 2013, "Liberal Icon Frank Church On The NSA", "'That capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide.' "He added that if a dictator ever took over, the NSA 'could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.'",
42. The Wall Street Journal, Benoit, D., Safdar, K., 09 March, 2023, "JPMorgan Sues Former Executive Jes Staley Over Jeffrey Epstein Ties",
43. Marco Polo Group, Telegram, 19 October 2022,
44. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Time Machine Series, 29 April 2019, Episode 016, Treasured Islands,
45. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Time Machine Series, 06 May 2019, Episode 018, Follow the Money,
46. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Time Machine Series, 15 May 2019, Episode 022, Broken Bad,
47. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Time Machine Series, 04 July 2019, Episode 038, Hireling Foreign Policy,
48. GoodDog Media, LLC, QBits, GoodDog, Time Machine Series, 15 July 2019, Episode 041, Submarine Treachery,
The Reactionary, Techno Fog, “Confirmed: Jeffrey Epstein’s History as an FBI Source”, 03 May, 2023,
as you requested praying for our country, truther, J6, etc 3 times a day. thank you for doing GOD's bidding on this!